Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cooking with DNA: A Protein Synthesis Simulation

I love Rice Krispy Treat! It's great that the whole class could make Rice Krispy Treat in class and EAT it! Since the process of making Rice Krispy treats is analogous to the process of protein synthesis in cells, so making Rice Krispy can help all of us understand better about the protein synthesis process.

I was so happy that I was picked to be the group leader, which was actually the rRNA. I was supposed to direct and keep track of the whole thing. I also had to manage my group members(tRNAs), record the order in which they deliver their ingredients and instructions (amino acids), and coordinate the manufacturing of the protein.

My group was very effecient and cooperative. We were the fastest group to finish making the Rice Krispy treat and I don't think we made any mistake in the process of making it. It's really fun! I only ate a little piece of it and it tasted really good. Hope I will have a chance to COOK WITH DNA in the future!

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